We bring together the world’s tile cultures in one capsule.
Who We Are
Tile Capsule は、商品と作り手の両方に同等の敬意を払い、
Tile Capsule に詰まっているのは、過去・現在・未来とつながる、タイルという文化そのものです。
Tile companies from all over the world produce tiles with a strong sense of commitment and
passion for design and functionality.
Tile Capsule respects both the products and the creators.
It is a new style of tile dealer that conveys both individuality and charm without additives.
We offer a variety of designs from decorative to classic tiles with their original stories.
Inside the Tile Capsule is the tile culture itself, which has links to the past, present and future.
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拘りと情熱を強くもつ世界中のカンパニーによって生み出されています。Tile Capsule は、商品と作り手の両方に同等の敬意を払い、個性も魅力も“無添加”でお伝えしていく新しいスタイルのタイルディーラーです。デコラティブからクラシカルまで、多様なデザインとそこにあるストーリーを現地の想いそのままにご提供します。Tile Capsule に詰まっているのは、過去・現在・未来とつながる、タイルという文化そのものです。
Tile companies from all over the world produce tiles with a strong sense of commitment and
passion for design and functionality.
Tile Capsule respects both the products and the creators.
It is a new style of tile dealer that conveys both individuality and charm without additives.
We offer a variety of designs from decorative to classic tiles with their original stories.
Inside the Tile Capsule is the tile culture itself, which has links to the past, present and future.
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Brand List

Brand Number
San t’Agostino, a long-established Italian tile brand, has created numerous collections based on its advanced technology. Among the collections, marble designs such as marble and travertine boast the greatest expressive power. Each collection has its own design concept and story, and sometimes even non-existent stones are used to create tiles based on their original inspiration. This is made possible by a dedicated in-house design team that allows for highly original output. And their passion for tile and pride in their own brand is deeply rooted in the source of their appeal.
Inspiration into reality.
Brand Number
1964年設立、世界のタイルトレンドが大判化に移行するなか、独自の強みである[小さなフォーマット]に情熱を注ぎ続けるスペインのタイルブランド、MAINZU 。高解像度で繰り広げられるリアリズムとディテールは、創業から現在に至るまで、絶えず進化を続けています。MAINZU‘The Workshop Factory’と謳う彼らの工房は、ブランド内部の独自デザインはもとより、まだ無名の職人による革新的なデザインを積極的に採り入れています。セラミックは彼らにとってのキャンバスです。その圧倒的な[アート]を、タイルというマテリアルで大いに堪能してください。
Founded in 1964, MAINZU is a Spanish tile brand that continues to focus on its unique strength, ‘small format’ while the global tile trend shifts to large format. MAINZU’s realism and detail in high resolution have been constantly evolving since its inception. Their workshop called MAINZU ’The Workshop Factory’, actively incorporates innovative designs from yet unknown artisans as well as the brand’s own internal designs. Ceramics is their canvas.We hope you will enjoy their overwhelming “art” in the material of tile.
Artist is designer with a policy.
Brand Number
NATUCERは、タイルの製造方法[押出成形]において世界屈指のプロフェッショナル・ブランドです。この方法で作られたタイルは造形の自由度が 高く、あらゆる独創的なフォルムを生み出すことができます。当然、彼らのコレクションにも多種多様な形状がラインナップされており、そのバリエーションは長いブランドヒストリーのなかで絶えず進化し続けてきました。鮮やかな “発色” においても、彼らのノウハウは卓越しています。土(terra)を焼いた(cotta)の名の通り、どこか懐かしい焼き物の風合いに、現代的なカラーリングがスパイスを施す------------。NATUCERのタイルデザインには、日本人の感性に響く[ノスタルジー×モダニズム]があります。
NATUCER is one of the world’s leading professional brands in the production of tiles by extrusion. Tiles produced by this method are highly flexible and often characterized by their original shapes. Naturally, their collections include a wide variety of shapes, and the variations have evolved throughout the brand’s long history. Their expertise is also outstanding in the bright “colors” that color these unique shapes. As the name “Terra Cotta” (baked clay) suggests, the nostalgic texture of pottery is spiced up with contemporary colors. NATUCER’s tile designs have a nostalgic and modernist feel that resonates with the Japanese sensibility.
Brand Number
スペイン屈指のタイルカンパニー[PERONDA GROUP]。そのブランドの一つに、このHARMONYがあります。[Fresh inspiration]と表現するように、彼らは固定概念から解放された、独創性の高いデザイン美を追求しています。タイルの概念やセオリーを超越するコレクションは時折、有名デザイナーや現代建築家とのフィーチャーによって創造されています。デザインのプロとタイルセクターの融合によって、一般的なタイルメーカーが考えもしなかった驚きの意匠が生まれるのです。タイルをよく知る人もそうではない人も、彼らのアイデアを見ることは、今まで以上にタイルの面白さと自由さを強く感じることに繋がるでしょう。
The Peronda Group is Spain’s leading tile company. As one of its brands, HARMONY, describes [Fresh inspiration], they strive for an original design beauty that is not bound by preconceived ideas. To create collections that go beyond tile concepts and theories, HARMONY occasionally collaborates with renowned designers and contemporary architects. The fusion of design professionals and tile section creates surprising designs that average tile manufacturers would never have thought of. Their ideas will make you feel the fun and freedom of tile more strongly than ever, whether you are familiar with tile or not.
New inspiration, contemporary tile aesthetics.